Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Access Cards

For those that are still having issues with their cards, please read the following:

DMU Student and Staff cards are centrally programmed by DMU Security, meaning that some cards may take a while to be updated and the MTI team cannot change your access rights. If you think your card is not letting you in to rooms that it should, please report in person to Security (the one story building opposite Gateway House). 
When placing the cards in front of the readers the reader will flash blue. This will last a few seconds, although slightly longer the first time whilst the access rights are transferred to the card. Please allow the reader that time to update. This blue light transfers updated access rights to the card and checks if you have access to that door. The light will then change to green to allow you through the door, or red on a door you do not have access to. Also, any updates to the system, the access will be slightly delayed as the card is updated again.

Access should be as follows:
  • MTI/MTP Undergraduates - CL00.01-00.03, 00.12, 00.16, 0.43, CTS Studios, PACE MAIN door and PACE 0.4a
  • MTI Postgraduates - As Undergraduate with CL0.19
  • Perf. Arts Undergraduates - CL00.16 and PACE MAIN door and PACE 0.4a

Sunday, 21 October 2012

First concert of term this Wednesday!

This concert forms part of the MUST2003 (Ideas) and MUST2007 (Space) programmes. But everyone welcome - essential for all composers and performers on both MTI and MTP programmes.

Wednesday October 24th, 2012 7.30pm PACE Studio 1

MTI Team Concert 1
We welcome new members of the growing Music, Technology & Innovation Research Centre team in two concerts to open the 2012-2013 season – a feast of acousmatic surround sound, audio-visual & generative music. Here’s the first -
John Young - Tongue (acousmatic)
Craig Vear - Five Antarctic Solitudes (audio-visual)
Pete Batchelor - Nebula (acousmatic)
Ben Ramsay - The Batteries Of Orchards (acousmatic)
Luca Forcucci - L'Ecume des Jours (2012) (acousmatic)
Si Waite - Columns, rows and collisions: an interactive-generative piece for layered, grid-based systems (live laptop and controllers with projected visuals)
Entry Free! (Note slightly later start time than standard.) [SE]

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Moving On — Career Development Programme

The BA Performing Arts has established a careers series, called Moving On. Second and third-year MTI and MTP students are also invited to attend. The sessions are listed below.

To reserve a place in a session, please email Jill Cowley (jcowley at dmu.ac.uk), Head of the Performing Arts BA, with "Moving On" in the subject title.

  • Thursday 25th Oct 6-7pm - The education profession and further training  (CL0.01)
  • Thursday 22nd Nov, 6-7pm – Postgraduate study in the arts
  • Thursday 31st Jan, 6-7pm – Setting up a company 
  • Thursday 28th Feb, 6-7pm – Funding opportunities in the performing arts  

Monday, 15 October 2012

£5 tickets this week for Curve Theatre

As part of Black History Season, Curve are offering a selected number of students an EXCLUSIVE TICKET OFFER for OBAMA THE MAMBA - PRESIDENT OF THE SLUMS!

Obama The Mamba - President of the Slums is a true life story of fate, power and destiny.

Meet George Hussein Obama. The Mamba. Nairobi slum gangster. US President's half-brother. Born of the same Kenyan father - their lives, worlds apart.

Your exclusive ticket offer: £5.00 tickets on Mon 15, Wed 17 & Thu 18 (Matinee). Please quote 'DMU' when booking.  [BB]

Friday, 12 October 2012

Frontrunner Employment Opportunities

Numerous excellent opportunities for employment are available via the DMU Frontrunners scheme, including some that could be very strong career development opportunities for MTI/MTP students. Deadline for most is 8th November. See the Frontrunners web pages. [BB]

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Advanced Creative Projects: reminder of location today

All students taking MUST3021 Advanced Creative Projects should meet in PACE Studio 1 at 3.00 this afternoon for an introductory session with Simon, Bret and Chris.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Course Representatives Selection

Course representative selection/election will be occurring in-class in Week 2 for each year group. This year, we will be seeking two representatives from each year group. This is an crucial role for contributing to the development of a quality academic experience for all students.

Link: More information on Course Reps from DSU.  [BB]

Job Opportunities at The Y

Front of House/Bar Staff required at The Y theatre, Leicester. They say "We are now looking to recruit enthusiastic and motivated Front of House staff with Bar experience to join our team. So, if you have a passion for theatre, live arts & events and have experience of and the enthusiasm to work in a busy and vibrant venue then we would love to hear from you."

For an application pack please contact hradmin@leicesterymca.co.uk or go to their website: http://www.leicesterymca.co.uk/ymca-jobs.php

Deadline for applications is 5pm Monday 8 October 2012

Plus: Bottle Rocket Comedy Club and the Y seek "student ambassadors". They say, "We are currently looking for highly motivated and enthusiastic students to assist us with our regular shows at The Y. Student ambassadors would be expected to commit a few hours a month in promoting our shows to student audiences and spreading the word on our amazing comedy offers across the city. We would also require students to attend shows and assist with signing up attendees to our mailing list. Our next show on Saturday October 20th will be a chance for you to come to one of our shows and receive more information." To confirm attendance please contact Joanna jsmith@leicesterymca.co.uk


CL0.44/45 = Courtyard Studio

If your timetable contains the mysterious "CL0.44/45", that is the Courtyard Studio. [BB]

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Maximise Your Success at University

Monday 15th –Thursday 18th October in the Kimberlin Library
Centre for Learning and Study Support (CLaSS)

CLaSS is delighted to offer a series of workshops that will be of interest to students who are new to learning and study at University. Come along and meet the CLaSS and Library teams, who can support you in maximising your success in Higher Education.
Writing in an academic style, reading for a purpose, working smarter not harder, new styles of assessment, library basics and finding your voice in a seminar are covered in the workshops as well as drop-in sessions for individual consultations.
Places are limited so please book, you can do this online: http://www.library.dmu.ac.uk/Home/Calendar/ where you can also find a full list of the events happening.  [BB]

Monday, 1 October 2012

MUST2007 Sound in Space first class

Welcome back! The first class is on Friday 5th October at 2pm in Pace 1. Fridays is the regular class. Your timetable indicates a second block for this course on Wednesdays - this is available practice time - details for this will be devised in the first class and posted here and via googlegroups. There is no class practice time this Wednesday - come on Friday for the first meeting! [SE]