Students on the MUST3028 Installation Art will be presenting site specific installations at St Andrews Church (on the corner of Gateway St and Jarrom Street) from 5-12 Feb as follows.
Do please come and support their work. This will be particularly of interest to first and second years interested in pursuing the Installation Art module in the third year.
Wed 5 Feb, 3-4.30pm
Chris Inglis, The Silent Pages
- A piece exploiting the relative quietness of the church, both physical and symbolic
Josh Yates, The Sacred Precinct
- Exploring the dynamics of theology and philosophy surrounding the art object
Fenton Hutson, Tintinnabulation in St. Andrews Church
- An Installation that explores the space (acoustics and materials) and place (context/significance) of St. Andrews Church through bell and bell like sounds
David Gurney, ecclesiastes 1:7
- A 3-dimensional sound experience that encompasses the font with flowing water
Fri 7 Feb, 1.30-3pm
Sam Wilmer, Mannequin Motet
- Inspired by Thomas Tallis'
Spem In Alium, this piece focuses on man's influence on religion shown through an immersive soundworld
Sam Topley, e.e.c.
- exploded electronic carillon
Rory Webster, The Annals of Theology
- A walk through various perspectives on the existence of god and the relationship between religion and science
Thom Lilley, Flow
- Flow through the church, experiencing sounds of water without stepping outside
Tue 11 Feb, 1.30-3pm
Sagnik Basu, War of Faith
- An installation about recreating an apocalyptic World War 2 scenario and painting people's emotional struggle of faith
Andrew Dove, Balloon Trail
- A path of sound emitting balloons taking viewers on a historic journey up to the build of St. Andrews
John Durnford, Absolved Sin
- The sins of those who are forgiven linger in the stations of the cross and can be heard throughout the church
Sam Warren, If walls could talk
- A study in Space and Perception
Wed 12 Feb, 3-4.30pm
Szymon Gabriel, Electrinity
- An interactive installation; creating sound through an interpreted stained glass window
Maxim Quick: Anekantavada - 'Non-one-sidedness'
- A cognitively engaging installation piece aiming to highlight social cohesion by exploring the inherent ideological differences within religion
Jamie Siddons, Stimuli
- A progressive atmospheric piece filled with deep swelling basslines, artificially edited sounds and orchestral instrumentation designed to be played through an 8 channel surround sound setup
Alex Cable, Inauditum
- An evocative piece that reflects upon the unheard tones of the organ
Alex Gibbons, (title/info to follow)