Thursday, 27 March 2014

Easter Break Access and Loans

The studios are expected to be available as per normal of Easter Break. Note that buildings will be closing at 7 pm during the break period, so work past 7 pm will require out-of-hours clearance.

AV Loans is open as usual with normal service over the Easter period, except during the holidays where the university is closed: 18th, 21st and 22nd of April.

If you want to check out kit over the whole of Easter break, you will need a supporting email from a course or module tutor. See this notice (PDF) for more information.


Monday, 24 March 2014

This Wednesday - META-3 - come and experience your friends and colleagues' work!

Wednesday March 26th, 2014 
PACE Building, Richmond St., Leicester

PACE Studio 2, 6.00-7.00pm
Sam Topley presents a recent installation: e.e.c. (exploded electronic carillon) 

PACE Studio 1, 7.00pm
Current undergraduates Daniel Atherton, Sagnik Basu, Fren Panyawuthirkrai and Anuj Thaker are joined by researcher Si Waite and alumnus Mark Towers to present a concert which celebrates their musical activities on, on the cusp of, beyond, or surrounding their MTI studies. The programme includes:

Daniel Atherton - Little Sounds (voice and guitar)
Sagnik Basu - sarod improv
Fren Panyawuthikrai - Green Peace (fixed medium sound)
Mark Towers (alumnus) - live sequenced techno improv
Anuj Thaker - In The Dark (tabla & fixed medium sound)
Si Waite - instrumental/vocal performance with live electronics

All welcome! Entry Free!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Third-Year Students: Survey on Data Relevant to Music Students

Gary Ogilvie, a Research Assistant at the University of Northampton writes us to say, seeking participation from final-year undergrad music students:

"We are looking at improving music meta-data for students and their research by combining relevant data from a range of categories to provide a comprehensive source of information… In order to gauge what information is relevant to students I have composed a short 5 question online survey available via Survey Monkey: . "


Saturday, 15 March 2014

Jonny Axelsson: Percussion

Jonny Axelsson: Percussion

On 19 March, DMU will welcomes Swedish percussion virtuoso/composer Jonny Axelsson and composer Kent Olofsson.  They will give the following presentations:
2 - 3.30pm:  workshop on percussion with electronic media, PACE 1
7 - 8 pm: concert of music for percussion and electronics (with Kent Olofsson, sound projection), PACE 1.
 Music for Hi-hat and Computer (1998) by Cort Lippe
Zwei Meistersinger singen mit ein Jüngling! (2013) by Jonny Axelsson
Ytor, böljande  [Surfaces, undulating] (2009) by JennyHettne
Terpsichord (2003) by Kent Olofsson 

 Both events are free and open to the public.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Calling all second year students! MTI and MTP! In the MUST2003 lecture slot: Friday 21st March 2pm. Clephan 3.01.

John Young will give a presentation introducing the Project (MUST3024), Dissertation (MUST3000) and Final Performance Project (MUST3029) options for the final year. This is very important for all to attend – you will be choosing topics soon for preliminary work over the summer! Come along – an opportunity to ask the course director questions to help you choose! Vital you come! SE

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Visible Bits, Audible Bytes - Today! Free!

MTI’s annual audio-visual festival – a feast for ear and eye – everyone welcome!

Vital for all MTI and MTP students – all sound and image, creative projects, sound installation. Essential for concert reports, too!  Completely free! (DMU ID card also gets you a discount at Phoenix bar!)

Phoenix Cinema and Art Centre
4 Midland Street, Leicester, LE1 1TG
Box Office: 0116 242 2800
Wednesday 12th March 2014 3pm till late
Visible Bits, Audible Bytes
- a one day festival curated by Andrew Hill.

An award-winning sound and visual artist from Canada is coming to Leicester as part of a one day festival at Phoenix Cinema and Art Centre. Nicolas Bernier, from Montreal, Quebec will be launching an exhibition and performing at the Visible Bits, Audible Bytes festival on Wed 12th March.
Nicolas will be headlining the festival, fresh from being recognised as one of the finest artists in his field with the top prize at the prestigious Ars Electronica festival in Linz, Austria. Visible Bits, Audible Bytes also features talks and performances from a range of national and international artists, including Alo Allik, Ryo Ikeshiro, Thierry Gauthier, François Bayle and Piotr Kamler.
The event begins at 3pm and is completely free. Places can be booked via the Phoenix box office and website.
Nicolas’s exhibition Frequencies (a) will launch at the event and continue at Phoenix until the 22nd March. An installation of sound and light, the artwork merges the piercing hum of mechanically-triggered tuning forks with pure digital soundwaves. Streams of light burst in harmony with the forks, alternately illuminating the exhibition in stark white light and plunging it into complete darkness.

Programme for the day –
3pm – 3:30pm: Alo Allik
3:30 – 4pm: Ryo Ikeshiro - Audiovisualisation
4pm – 4:30pm: Paul Prudence
4:30 – 5pm: Nicholas Bernier – ‘Frequencies’ Series of Works
ca.5.00pm - opening of Bernier's Frequencies (a) installation in the DMU cube @ Phoenix

6.30-8.00pm Main Concert (Screen 2) – Audio-visual works
Len Lye - Colour Box
Thierry Gauthier - Portrait D’une Femme
Ryo Ikeshiro - Construction in Kneading
Norman McLaren - Begone Dull Care
François Bayle and Piotr Kamler - L'Expérience Acoustique: Métaphore + Lignes et points
Nicolas Bernier - Frequencies (Synthetic Variations)
From 9.00pm VJs in Bar
Alo Allik – VJ set
Paul Prudence - Transphormetic
Justin Bennett - Raw Materials

About the artists
Nicolas Bernier creates sound performances, installations, live electronics, and moving image. His sound is somewhere between the old and the new. It is electronic music made from objects of the past: typewriter, old machines, tuning forks, soundscape memories and musical instruments.
Estonian artist Alo Allik has performed his audio-visual works, compositions, eclectic DJ sets and live electronic music throughout the world. UK-based Japanese artist Ryo Ikeshiro’s works include live audio-visual performances, interactive installations, electronic music, and soundtracks.
Thierry Gauthier is a Canadian composer and visual artist with an experimental approach to composition. François Bayle, born in Madagascar, is one of the most distinguished living composers of electronic music, having headed the prestigious Groupe de Recherches Musicales from 1966-97. Piotr Kamler is a renowned Polish filmmaker known for his cutting edge work in animation.
[SE 27.02]

Monday, 3 March 2014

Access to Queen's Studios ONLY with Student Card

We have identified the issue with the booking system for Queen's studios and put the doors on lock again. For studio doors in the CTS to open from now on you need to:

  1. Have a valid booking (
  2. UPDATE your student swipe card for EVERY BOOKING at an online card reader BEFORE you try to enter the studio.

Online card readers can be found at the entrance to the CTS or at the rear entrance to Queen's building:

If you have any problems accessing the studios, contact the technicians (Q1.38 or email). Please help us trace the issue by stating your name, p-number and the time you tried to access the door.

During office hours technicians will help you. Out of hours, Security (ext. 7642) can be reached via the phones at the rear entrance of Queen’s building and in classroom Q1.31.


Postgraduate study at MTI

We know a number of you are interested in continuing with postgraduate study at MTI. Prof Leigh Landy will provide a presentation on postgraduate study in MTI and answer questions at a special session for you: Wed, 19 March, 4:00, in PACE Studio 1.  This will include a tour the MTI Research Centre facilities (including the 32-channel diffusion room, the audiovisual lab, and the sound art lab). Though this is primarily aimed at year-three students, we heartily welcome year-one and year-two students who want to know more about postgraduate study!
