Monday, 27 October 2014

Air Conditioning Works for Courtyard Studio

UPDATE: the date for these works has been changed to 17th and 18th November. 

Emergency work to replace the air conditioning unit for the Courtyard Studio will be taking place next week starting on 3rd November.  There will be some significant noise when some of the work is underway i.e. use of jack hammers to prepare the concrete base for the unit.  This will be in the area near the bike rack.  The noisy element should take 1-2 days. At this point, it looks like we can leave the studio itself available to book and use, but the noise will almost certainly preclude any recording work. Sorry for the short notice.

Week 6 Activities

Here are some highlights of Week 6 activities available to MTI/MTP students. Some updates may occur prior to the events, so check back here! Remember in particular our Friday music entrepreneurial session.

Monday Nov 3

Interview workshop 10:00 11:00 Q0.11
Resilience and wellbeing workshop 11:00 13:00 CL1.16
LMS - CV Writing 12:00 13:00 Q0.12
LMS workshop - Making contact with the Film Industry: Placements and Internships 12:00 14:00 CL0.17
LMS - CV Writing 13:00 14:00 Q0.11
LMS workshop - Rachel Gledhill: Human Resources ITV News and Current Affairs 14:00 16:00 Q1.10
WBL - Year 1 placement talk 14:00 16:00 GH3.13
Manic Music Productions Music Industry Seminars: music industry solicitor presenting on music law and careers. Free, but registration required at this Eventbrite link.18:00 21:00 TBA

Tuesday Nov 4

Improve your employability with Linkedin11:0013:00GH3.13
Using the Internet to improve your employability10:0011:00GH3.54
Finding jobs in the hidden jobs market11:0012:00GH3.54
Interview workshop10:0013:00HU3.04
LMS workshop - Bauer Media - Getting into the Media 

Do you want a career in the media but don’t know where to start? Are you interested in Journalism, Marketing, Digital or Radio? Bauer Media want to invite you to gain an insight into getting involved in a multi-platform media company. Bauer Media is a UK-based media Group with two main divisions – Magazines (including Grazia, Heat, Kerrang! and Empire) and Radio (including Kiss 100 and Magic 105.4). This session will help you find out more about the roles that exist and give you some top tips on how to kick start a career in media. If you have questions about what experience you need, how to break in to the industry or just want to hear about what each role entails, then come along to this fantastic event with the people who have been there and done that across Bauer’s Magazines and Radio Stations. The sessions must be booked in advance, using this link, using this link.
Bauer Media - Getting into the Media (reprise of the 11:00 workshop described above)13:3015:00HA2.08
Interview workshop14:0017:00CL0.17
LMS workshop - CV writing14:0015:00Q0.15

Wednesday Nov 5

Leicester Media School Launch Celebration:
13.45 — Official Opening, Bede Island, DMU campus (pre-booking required and now closed)
14:00 — Special guest lecture by Terry Bamber (pre-booking required and now closed)
15:00-16:00 — LMS showcase from staff and students in Queens and Bede Island, open to all!

Thursday Nov 6

Personal Tutor Meetings (details to be emailed separately)

Friday Nov 7

Personal Tutor Meetings (details to be emailed separately)

MTI Alumni/Entrepreneurial session – 14:00-16:00 – CL0.17

UK Young Artists Festival — various free events all day around Leicester, including:
Joe Snape – Lärmlicht #5 – PACE Building 5.30pm and 9.30pm

Saturday Nov 8

More UK Young Artists Festival

Friday, 24 October 2014

UK Young Artists Festival - Leicester - 7-9 November

The UK Young Artists Leicester Festival set to light up the city with creative talent from across the UK

Three days of exhibitions, performances, installations, gigs, poetry and workshops take place across the city at established venues and independent spaces. 

There is a full and varied programme on offer across the weekend of Friday 7 to Sunday 9 November. See the full programme at here.

Of particular interest for MTI/MTP: 

Joe Snape – Lärmlicht #5
A music performance that takes place in the dark. Set against their own amplified sounds and accompanied by a warped ensemble of celesta and vibraphone, six incandescent light bulbs flicker and bloom into life. With each flash painstakingly programmed on a machine built from scratch, materials are arranged, cued and manipulated in live performance: the seen and the heard strain against each other to fuse in a single audiovisual event. Sharp impulses, electrical bursts, afterimages and delay lines fold into one another, brutal and reflective by turns. The work was first performed in spring 2014 at Café Oto and The Kitchen.
Friday 7 November – De Montfort University (PACE Building) – 5.30pm and 9.30pm
Secure your FREE ticket for either performance via this link:

Thomasthinks presents Plynth
Four-piece Plynth will perform a 40-minute audio visual performance featuring live instrumentation and spontaneously generated visuals. Each of the participants are artists within their own right and will be coming together for this occasion to create something extraordinary, creating an uplifting ambience of spontaneity, delicate sonics and poetic expression, blurring the boundaries between sonic and visual arts.
Featuring David Hepple (Guitar), Glen Hicks (Bass), Tom Harris AKA Thomasthinks (Beats, Keys, Voice) and Will Pettipher (Visuals, Saxophone).
Saturday 8 November – The Landsdowne – 10pm
Secure your FREE ticket via this link:

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Construction work in 00.16a (Foley Studio)

Please note that DMU Estates are planning to do some important construction work in 00.16a, likely starting the week of October 27. We will be blocking out the room on the Booking System for those days when the work is in progress.


Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Start that first assignment!

Monday 27h October – Friday 31st  October 2014 in the Kimberlin Library

Centre for Learning and Study Support (CLaSS)

CLaSS is delighted to offer a series of workshops of interest to students who want to maximise their study success this year. Come along and meet the CLaSS and Library teams who can support you in your work.

27th October: Reading for a purpose
27th October: Finding information for your assignment
27th October: Applying theory to your own practice
28th October: Polishing your assignment
28th October: How to cite and reference using the Harvard referencing system
28th October: Planning and writing your report
29th October: Writing introductions and conclusions
29th October: Starting to write a blog
29th October: Finding journals
29th October: Planning and writing your first essay
29th October: How to critique an article
30th October: Planning and structuring your literature review
30th October: Writing in an academic style
31st October: Writing your methodology
31st October: Working with feedback to improve your grades
31st October: An introduction to verbal presentations

For further information and to book a place, click on link:

Fulldome Fest VJ Sets Nov 8 Leicester

The Fulldome Fest, which focuses on dome-projection of visuals, returns to Leicester's National Space Centre November 7 & 8. Artists from around the world will be converging on Leicester to discuss the technique and art of using 360-degree immersive visual projection. Full details available at   The full two-day event might be a bit steep price-wise for students, but there will be a less expensive audiovisual VJ show 7 pm on Saturday Nov 8.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Bauer Media - Part of Week 6 Activities

Bauer Media will be coming on campus on 4th November to offer two talks on “Getting in to Media”, for any students interested in Journalism, Marketing, Digital or Radio. Bauer are a very large, high profile employer in the Media sector and own a number of radio stations and magazines such as Heat and Grazia. 

Students need to book in to the event in advance, using the external link below:

They will then need to print off their ticket and bring it with them to the talk. The event will be an open one, so it won’t just be DMU students who are able to attend. Note that the tickets don’t specify the exact location of the talk, which will be Hugh Aston 2.08.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

MTI Mix 1 - Concert Pace 1 Wednesday 22nd October 7pm

We launch our 15th Birthday Season in the traditional way celebrating our members great success over the last year.

Ben Ramsay Reload - Refract – Repeat
Ben completed his doctorate with MTI last year with these pieces which cross over between electronica and acousmatics.
Panos Amelides The Olympic Games Piece
Panos continues his explorations of electroacoustic storytelling.
Simon Atkinson interiorities viii
A new work in the interiorities series from the master of sustained and intricate atmosphere.
Elliott Murray Chop Boss In Action
Elliott (third year MTI BA student) won Spotify’s Midihack contest in Stockholm in June with his own Max-based instrument the Chop Boss. Check out Youtube for a preview.
All welcome! Entry Free!
This is the first concert for the reports for assessments for MUST1009, MUST2003, MUST2007 - also essential for MUST3000/3024 Projects and dissertations.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Leicester Media School launch celebration

On Wednesday 5 November, DMU will be hosting an afternoon of special lectures and networking to celebrate the launch of De Montfort University’s Leicester Media School (of which MTI and MTP are a part).
The event will include guest of honour Terry Bamber, a film production manager and Assistant Director who has worked on World War Z and the last six James Bond films.
The Showcase event, starting at 3pm, is a great chance for MTI and MTP students to find out what students are doing in the other programmes in LMS — and perhaps find some collaborators!
The order of events is:
1.30pm Arrival
1.45pm Official Opening, Bede Island, DMU campus
2pm Special guest lecture by Terry Bamber
3pm Leicester Media School showcase
4pm Reception Trinity House, DMU campus
Booking is essential, as places are limited. Please visit or call 0116 257 7500 to confirm your attendance and tell us of any dietary requirements. 

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Maximise your success this year!

Monday 13th October – Friday 17th October 2014 in the Kimberlin Library

Centre for Learning and Study Support (CLaSS)

We are delighted to offer a series of workshops of interest to students who want to maximise their study success this year. Come along and meet the CLaSS and Library teams who can support you in your work.

13th October: Journal Basics
13th October: Note-making: the importance of getting it right
13th October: Library basics
13th October: Interpreting and planning your assignments
14th October: How to get the most out of your lectures and seminars
14th October: Polishing your assignment
14th October: Confidence building for academic success
14th October: Managing your time at university
14th October: Exploring different learning styles
15th October: Using evidence in your writing: paraphrasing and quotations
15th October: New styles of assessment
15th October: An introduction to verbal presentations
15th October: Finding journals
15th October: Working with feedback to improve your grades
16th October: Maths for the terrified
16th October: Managing your dissertation or extended project
16th October: Researching your dissertation
16th October: Reading for a purpose
16th October: Tips for stepping up your learning in year 2
17th October: Writing in an academic style
17th October: An introduction to reflection and reflective writing.

For further information and to book a place, click on link:

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Interact Festival at Leicester LCB

Details of the forthcoming Interact @ LCB Festival can be found here:

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Studio Induction Refresher For 2nd Year Students

The two 'Studio Induction Refresher' sessions for second year students are taking place on:

  • Friday, 03.10.2014 at 11am, starting in front of Courtyard studio (CL 0.45)
  • Tuesday, 07.10.2014 at 11.45am, starting in front of Clephan 3.01

For comments or special wishes/needs please get in touch with the technicians. sg