Thursday, 19 February 2015

Cultural Exchanges Festival - tickets for concerts

Tickets for events which can form part of term 2 concert reports (MUST1009, MUST2003 etc.) are FREE for all MTI students. This applies to two concerts - Wednesday (Annette Vande Gorne) and Thursday (Philip Mead) - evenings in Pace 1 - check the Festival programme for details. Please email Simon Emmerson ( to reserve a (free) ticket. You can turn up at the door but I cannot guarantee you will get in if the hall is full ... so book ahead please! Note: Monday's Intermedial Performance event in Trinity House can be part of a concert report but is free anyway - so book through the box office in the normal way for that. [SE 19.02]

Friday, 13 February 2015


Here are some highlights of Week 22 activities available to MTI/MTP students. These cover employability and Cultural Exchanges offerings. Some updates may occur prior to the events, so check back here from time to time! 

Monday 23 Feb: 
11.00-12.00 Commercial Awareness Workshop KL2.04 more info
12.00-13.00 Developing your Digital Brand KL 2.04 more info
13.00-14.00 Journals and the Job Market KL 2.04 more info
14.00-15.00 Luke Franks talks about what it takes to be a presenter across TV, radio and online. CL0.01 more info
17.00-18.00 Doc Brown (actor, musician, rapper) ‘In Conversation’ £4 (£3 conc) CL2.13 more info.
18.30-19.30 Intermedial Performance (composition for dancer, cello and Kyma) Trinity House more info

Tuesday 24 Feb:
11.00-16.00 Inspiring Creativity and Enterprise CL3.X more info
11.00-12.00 Being Journal Confident (Accessing journals in the library) KL2.04 more info
13.00-14.30 Referencing KL2.04 more info
18.00-19.00 Phil Beadle (Achieving transformation Results with School Children) CL3.01 more info
19.00-19.40 The Company Experimental present: 'Bridging the Void' -- Film, dance and music interlace to create an immersive and mesmerising sunrise experience. (NB. The performance is followed by a post-show talk). PACE 2 £4 (£3 conc) more info

Wednesday 25 Feb:
09.00-13.00 Get your dissertation or extended report sorted HA3.03  more info
13.00-14.00 Annette Vande Gorne -- leading Belgian electroacoustic composer gives an illustrated talk about her practice. PACE 1 more info
13.00-14.00 Keeping track of your References with Refworks KL2.04 more info
19.00-20.10; 20.30-21.30 Annette Vande Gorne Two concerts of work by the composer and colleagues/students. PACE 1 more info

Thursday 26 Feb:
11.00-12.30 Mapping your Employability Skills KL2.04 more info
11.00-13.00 Pop up Play—Symposium -- Explore how immersive digital technology can be used to create learning opportunities for children and young people. PACE 2 more info
13.00-17.00 Library Archives and Special Collections Open Afternoon KL00.21 more info
15.30-16.30 Pechakucha event as part of Creative Leicestershire—including Samuel Heaton who is going to talk about his experience after graduating from BA Music, Technology and Performance at DMU in 2013. — Clephan. Free wine & nibbles.
19.30-20.30 Philip Mead, Piano Recital -- one of Britain's foremost interpreters of contemporary piano music presents commissioned work by composers. PACE 1 more info

Friday 27 Feb:
13.00-14.00 Steve Sidwell (arranger and composer) 'In Conversation' -- credited on numerous albums (Robbie Williams, Dame Shirley Bassey), advertising campaigns and films, and featured on TV shows (X Factor), Steve talks about his illustrious career. more info CL3.03
14.00-17.00 MUST2005 Sound & Image Screenings/Sharing Session -- come along and see 2nd year Sound & Image work (useful in particular to those considering taking the module next year). CL00.16


A reminder to all third years to please complete the National Student Survey. It only takes five minutes and is invaluable to us in terms of telling us what you have liked about the course and what you think could be improved. 

You can access the survey here.

We would very much appreciate your feedback.

Should the opportunity to benefit future students not be sufficient motivation for you to complete the survey, the university is attempting to incentivise you with Kinder Eggs and fizzy drinks. The window of opportunity for procuring these pleasures is narrow, though, so you should make your way to FOTAC as soon as possible if you are desirous of them. You will be provided with a workstation where you can gorge while ticking boxes. 

Alternatively, just pop online while you’re having a cup of tea at home.

Monday, 9 February 2015

John Fass
Visiting Lecture
Open to all
PACE Studio 1
Thurs, 12 Feb
10.30 -12.00 

John Fass will discuss his work in the field of interaction design and sound projects he has run for students at the Royal College of Art, London. He will also presents ideas on de-computation and slow-tech.

“De-computation is an approach to using computational thinking. It’s about de-mystifying, de-constructing, de-composing, de-coding, de-programming machines, minds, space, and time. It’s about observing people, places and systems and applying a design method to create new forms … De-computation is a new methodology for understanding, and questioning an increasingly computer-controlled world.”

Get your Dissertation or Extended Report Sorted

Working on your dissertation or extended report and need to get it sorted?  Then please join CLaSS for this free student conference.  Open to all students.

Wednesday 25th February 2015
9am-1pm in the Hugh Aston Building 3.03
The Conference includes:
Keynote presentation:  D for Dissertation: ‘Dread’, ‘Deliberate’, ‘Delay’, ‘Damn!’, Deadly’, ‘Determined’, ‘Done!’, ‘Delighted’
  • Dr Debbie LePlay, Head of Quality in the Faculty of Art, Design and Humanities
  • Choice of two workshops from:  Finding excellent research, How to write a literature review, Developing a convincing argument, Writing when you don’t want to write, Structuring your dissertation or extended report, How to sound critical in your writing
  • ‘Ask the Marker Panel’:  Your chance to ask questions of dissertation module leaders from a range of subjects about what makes excellent work
Refreshments will be provided.
To book a place, please go to:
Organised by the ‘Centre for Learning and Study Support’
Library and Learning Services

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Concert PACE 1 Wednesday 11th February 7pm

The Birmingham Ensemble for Electroacoustic Research (BEER) was founded in 2011 as a research project to explore aspects of realtime electroacoustic music making. Particular interests include networked music performance over ad hoc wi-fi systems, and live coding (programming music in real time using algorithms that can be altered while they are running). In keeping with post-free jazz developments in improvisation (e.g. John Zorn, Anthony Braxton), we create structures in software that impose limitations and formal articulations on the musical flow (with networked software systems serving as intervention mechanism / arbiter / structural provocateur par excellence).
Musical influences run the gamut from Iannis Xenakis to Journey. Members include Norah Lorway, Konstantinos Vasilakos, Luca Danieli, Tsun Yeung, and Scott Wilson. For this performance BEER presents a selection of pieces from the ensemble’s repertoire, including the premiere of a new work by Norah Lorway.
All welcome! Entry Free! Essential for MUST1009, MUST2003, MUST2007, MUST3000/3024 concert reports, programmers, composition etc.!

At 1pm that day (MTI Research Lab, Clephan 0.19) Nick Collins and Scott Wilson present their ideas in a Research Seminar -

Dr Nick Collins (Durham) - 'Large-scale corpus analysis of electronic music'
In which researchers on an AHRC funded mini-project attempt to build a larger scale (circa 2000 piece) audio corpus of electronic music from 1948-2000, and run automatic machine analysis experiments.
Dr Scott Wilson (Birmingham) - ‘Free as in BEER’
The Birmingham Ensemble for Electroacoustic Research (BEER) was founded in 2011 as a research project to explore aspects of realtime electroacoustic music making. Particular interests include networked music performance over ad hoc wi-fi systems, and live coding (programming music in real time using algorithms that can be altered while they are running).

All Welcome!

Monday, 2 February 2015

MUST2003 Assessment 1/2 deadline extended one week

I noticed an anomaly in the schedule for MUST2003 Assessment 1/2. The aim was to have three tutorials for this assessment but HALF of you will only have had two. So to be fair I will extend the deadline for this assessment by one week to give you all equal tutorial time. You do not have to wait and can hand in early to get going on the next assignment sooner if you wish! This means that Tuesday 3rd February and Tuesday 10th February tutorial sessions are equally the third and final tutorial on assessment 1/2. The new deadline is thus FRIDAY 13th February at 4pm. Sorry I did not spot this sooner! [SE 02.02]