Monday, 30 March 2015

Audiosplitter: The Story of a London Tech Start-Up

When: Thursday 30 April 5.30pm - 7.00pm    
Where: Co-working space at The Innovation CentreBook: Eventbrite
What is audiosplitter?
Audiosplitter is the place to discover great music with people who love it most. Through audiosplitter you can curate an online music collection, connect with music lovers and discover great music. 
Audiosplitter was founded by three Londoners working in the electronic music was built because they couldn’t find an existing music platform that had the quantity of the music they wanted to listen to or an easy way of finding more of it.
They realised they were looking for something that felt like a local record store. With their huge but cleverly curated collection of music and the amazing knowledge of the people who spend time in record stores they had the perfect idea for what they wanted audiosplitter to feel like.
About the event
In this talk Will, Adam and James talk about their journey so far and give the audience the opportunity to help test their product.
There will be time for networking before the event closes at 7pm.
For all enquiries please contact us. 

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

AV Loans Easter Opening Times

AV LOANS OPENING TIMES duringEASTER holiday are as follows:

Items loaned on or before the 27th March will be due back on 8th April unless otherwise agreed.

23.03. - 27.03.08:45 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 16:3012:00 - 13:00
30.03. – 02.04.08:45 - 10:00
03.04. & 06.04. & 07.04.CLOSED

AV Loans will be open as usual between 08.04. and 10.04.2015

Please note that between 30.03. and 02.04.2015 AV Loans will be open for returns only!


Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Concert PACE 1 Wednesday March 18th 7pm MTI Mix 4

Continuing our 15th birthday celebration – more works from our amazing team. The UK premiere of Simon Atkinson’s GRM (Paris) Commission and works by masters and doctoral students - David Holland’s piece was a finalist for the Bangor Dylan Thomas Prize 2014, Sam Topley performs her invented instruments - audio-visual, performance, acousmatics, story telling, soundscape and more -
Simon Atkinson                  Nocturne aquatique
David Holland                       The Force
Francesc Marti                    Speech 1
Panos Amelides                 The Pain(t)
Sam Topley                          untitled
Sam Warren                                    Shift
Robin Parmar                      Caged Bird
All welcome! Entry Free!
Last opportunity this term for an item for your concert reports! MUST1009, MUST2003 and essential for projects and composers too!

Monday, 9 March 2015

Have Your Say! Make a Difference!

The 2015 Course Level Feedback Survey

If you are a first or second year you should recently all have received information about the Course Level Feedback (CLF) in your email.

This is an annual internal survey which gives you the opportunity to give DMU feedback on your teaching and learning experience. You can tell us about aspects of your course your are happy with as well as provide comments and suggestions on any areas you feel could be improved.

Please do take the time to complete this. It should only take a few minutes but will help us to ensure the continued high quality of the course for you and fellow students.

You'll find it here:

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Guests during Out of Hours in Queen's

Advice for students bringing guests into Queen's' Creative Recording Studios (CTS) during Out-of-Hours

For Health and Saftey requirements regarding the the CTS in Queen's, all students
who are planning to bring in guests (e.g. members of a band or their own band,
guests of DemonFM, etc.) to record in the CTS during 'Out-of-Hours' must advise Security
24 hours in advance, that guests will be working in the pre-booked studio(s).

This can be done by sending an email to Security. The student who has made the booking on the booking system must keep a record of the names of each guest including phone numbers and email addresses.

Before the start of the session all guests have to be registered at Security (Estates Building) handing in a paper listing the required details, including the room number of the studio(s) they are working in and an expected time of departure.

At the end of a session Security must be informed that all guests have vacated the building. The latter can be done using the phone at the rear entrance to Queen's.

In case of questions, please get in touch with one of the technical demonstrators in either Queen's (Q1.38) or Clephan (CL00.06) or via email (audiotech).

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

New Door Lock for Sound Booths

The door to the sound booths in Queen's (Q1.06) has a new Salto lock.
Please update your access card at an online card reader!
These can be found among others at the rear entrance to Queen's, main access door to the CTS (between 1.26 and 1.27), main entrance to PACE, entrance to the MTI basement, Clephan 00.16. Please be also aware that you will need a valid booking for one of the booths.
Should your card not work after having updated it at an online reader AND you have a valid booking, please see one of the technicians in either Queen's (Q1.38) or Clephan (00.06) or get in touch by email or phone (see The Technicians on the MTI intranet).

Monday, 2 March 2015

LLEAPP Festival, March 4 - 6th 2015

PACE, Phoenix Café Bar & Leicester Hackspace

LLEAPP (Laboratory for Laptop and Electronic Audio Performance Practice) is a collective of musician-researchers based in Edinburgh. It is run on the basis of a 3-day practice-led symposium, discussing tactics and strategies for collaborative play, a series of open rehearsals, and finishes with a performance each day.
LLEAPP started in 2009 at the University of Edinburgh, has since been held at different universities across the UK, and is being hosted this year by De Montfort University, Leicester.
Among featured guests will be Hong Kong-based Takuro Lippit (aka DJ Sniff), a turntablist working in the field of improvised and experimental music; cellist and string arranger Audrey Riley whose work ranges from The Smiths to the Merce Cunningham Dance Company; Swedish noise artist Max Wainwright; mobile artist Steranko; and John Richards with members of the Dirty Electronics Ensemble.

LLEAPP all participants: Owen Green, Taku Lippit, Max Wainwright, Steve Jones, J Richards, Amit Patel, Jim Frize, Sam Topley, Audrey Riley

Wednesday 4th March 2015
13:00 -14:00 – Seminar with Takuro Lippit + Owen Green (University of Edinburgh) MTIRL, Clephan Building
14:00 -18:00 – Open rehearsals in the PACE Studio 1
19:00Concert 1, PACE Studio 1 (all LLEAPP)

Thursday 5th March 2015
9:00 -12:00 – Breadboard Workshop with Jim Frize (Sonodrome) + DMU students at Leicester Hackspace (meet PACE @ 9.00 am)
9:00 -15:00 – Open rehearsals PACE Studio 1, DMU (LLEAPP)
21:00 - 21:30 – Q&A with Jenny Walklate + LLEAPP musicians The Real Junk Food Project, Leicester in the Phoenix Café Bar.
21.30 - late Concert 2, feat DJ Sniff + Breadboard Workshop + LLEAPP musicians in the Phoenix Café Bar.

Friday 6th March 2015
9.00 - LLEAPP get-in/rehearse PACE Studio 1
10:30 - 12:00 – Open rehearsals/workshop (MUST1008). Mobile music feat Steranko, Dushume, DMU students, PACE Studio 1
12.00 - 13.00 Pay-As-You-Feel Food provided by The Real Junk Food Project, Leicester on the PACE Mezzanine.
13:00 - 14:30 – Lunchtime Concert 3, PACE Studio 1 + mobile music performances
14:30 - 15:00 – Breakdown
17:00 - Social


Leicester Hackspace is a venue for makers of digital, electronic, mechanical and creative projects.
The Real Junk Food Project is a pioneering UK movement that re-purposes food thrown away by supermarkets.
For further information and details of featured artists, please contact Steve Jones at Jack Richardson or John Richards