Thursday, 18 June 2015

Improve your grades

Monday 6th July – Thursday 9th July in the Kimberlin Library

Centre for Learning and Study Support (CLaSS)

CLaSS is delighted to offer a series of workshops of interest to students who are thinking about improving their grades for re-sits, re-submissions or planning ahead to next year. Come along and meet the CLaSS and Library teams who can support you in your work.

6th July: Structuring your work effectively
6th July: Writing in an academic style
6th July: Deciding on your topic and title for your dissertation or extended project
7th July: How to cite and reference material using the Harvard referencing system
7th July: How to write when you don’t want to write
7th July: Referencing for academic success: or mind the GAP
8th July: Maximise your performance in your next exam
8th July: Improve your grades drop-in (no need to book)
8th July: Taking a more critical approach to your work
9th July: Writing with style
9th July: Polishing your assignment
9th July: Working SMARTER not harder
9th July: Reading for a purpose

For further information and to book a place, click on link:

Thursday, 11 June 2015

MAKE||SOUND Symposium 'Making Sound in Public Space' tomorrow at Curve Theatre, Leicester

Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre & Faculty of Technology, Research Seminar Series

De Montfort University, Leicester

Venue: RR2, Curve Theatre
Date and time: 12.00-c.6.00pm, Friday 12 June

Symposium: Making Sound in Public Space
Make||Sound presents an afternoon of talks on the topic of sonic art and public engagement hosted in partnership with the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre - De Montfort University.

MTI members John Richards and Steve Jones are joined by guest speakers/keynotes Nye Parry, Nicola Dibben, Franz Rosati and Simonne Jones. Topics discussed include public engagement and accessibility in relation to sound art, commercial/experimental music crossovers, mobile media and portability, and community music-making with dirty electronics.

12.00: Peter Batchelor, Welcome
12.15: Nye Parry, Public Engagement, Private Divorce: Contexts and motivations in a Sonic Arts Practice13.00: Lunch
14.00: Nicola Dibben, Music-making for Mobile Devices: Björk's "Biophilia" App Album
14.40: Steve Jones, Roaming: mobility, media and the capture of (public) place
15.10: John Richards, Blood, Sweat and Music15.50: Break
16.00: Louise Rossiter & Jack Richardson, Networking the Arts: Introduction of the Art & Sound Symposium
16.20: Simonne Jones, The Secrets of the Universe
17.00: Franz Rosati, Contact; Shock: minimal and maximal approaches to electronic live music
17.45: Performance: Franz Rosati, Ruinsc.18.15: End

Full information, including abstracts, available here:

Tickets Free; Space Limited. Please book here:

Monday, 1 June 2015

MAKE||SOUND Festival: searching for volunteers

I have approached a few people already, but we're still looking for volunteers to help with the Make||Sound Festival next week. For information about this, please check out its website:

The festival is designed to be reasonably high impact in terms of public engagement, so we’re holding it in a vacant unit in Highcross Shopping Centre, then moving to the Curve theatre. It will involve an exhibition, workshops (this includes workshops for electronic sound-making devices, and a full day of Ableton Live activities), and a symposium. 

Searching for volunteers:  
We’re looking for some volunteers who might be able to help us with the event. This would involve…:
- stewarding the exhibition space and workshops
- soliciting feedback from visitors
- (possibly) conducting informal interviews with visitors.

We can’t offer money, I’m afraid, but we can offer full expenses for the day amounting to about £25 per person,  which would cover transport, parking and food.  

There would be training for interviewing and gathering data, which is being kindly given by Dr Sophy Smith (leader of the MA at the IOCT). So there’s an employability and research development aspect to this. Sophy would be delivering this on Weds 3 June, 10-12. NOTE THE SHORT NOTICE ON THIS!

You’d be able to attend the workshop/drop-in sessions during the week, the symposium (Friday) and a full day of Ableton activities on Saturday (this promises to be a great day!). (Both the latter are being held in Curve.)

The activities will be running c. 12-6pm every day from 6-13 June.
We’re looking for about four people per day.
As many or as few days as you can manage (if any) would be great, and very much appreciated.

If you'd be interested, please contact me as soon as possible: