Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Wednesday: MOBILISE! conference & concert

MTI's Enhancement Week activities continue tomorrow (Wednesday): with the Mobilise! conference (10am-5pm) and concert (7pm), both in PACE:


MOBILISE Conference Wednesday 1 March, 10 am – 5pm
Discussions, presentations, demos featuring artists, developers and researchers exploring music, mobility and new sonic arts practice.
Norbert Schnell (Ircam, FR) Mobiles, participation and music performance.
Peter Sinclair/Elena Biserna (Locus Sonus, FR) Exploring, moving and mixing sound environments.
Frauke Behrendt (University of Brighton, UK) Sound, mobility and the Internet of Things.
Jakob Haq (SWE) Q&A with YouTube vlogger and mobile musician HaQ AttaQ.
Aneek Thapar (Ninja Tune, UK) Developing the Ninja Jamm app, workflow issues + some cool tips and tricks.

MOBILISE Performance Wednesday 1 March, 7pm – 9pm
Evening concert with IRCAM, DMU post-grad and MTI /MTIP students.

Monday, 27 February 2017

MTI Enhancement Week: Tuesday - MOBILISE! Hackathon

MTI's Enhancement Week activities continue on Tuesday February 28th, with the MOBILISE! Hackathon - 10am-4pm, Clephan 00.17.


Participants will design and program a simple performance mobile app using the Soundworks framework. No programming experience required!

A workshop for the CoSiMa web audio application with IRCAM's Norbert Schnell and Benjamin Matuszewski.

IRCAM (Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics/Music), Paris, is one of the world’s most leading centres for electronic music, and this will be the first time their delegates have ever performed outside of London.

Then join us on Wednesday for the Mobilise Conference & evening concert!

Sunday, 26 February 2017

MTI Enhancement Week - Monday: Town and Gown - A Leicester Music Extravaganza!

MTI's 2017 Enhancement Week activities kick off on Monday, with a student event at the Music Cafe!

Doors open 7pm - performers include Siobhan Mazzei, Timmas, The Whiskey Rebellion, Bitter Pill, Mitchell Underwood (DJ Set), Jack Cahill, House of Verse & Kait Baker-Smith

2Funky Music Cafe, 23A New Park Street, LE3 5NHo Leicester, United Kingdom


Monday, 13 February 2017

MTI/Music Tech presents: Enhancement Week!

MTI/Music Technology have planned a whopper of an Enhancement Week this year, with a full week of events, including workshops, masterclasses, conferences, student performances, industry networking events, capped with the annual VBAB at the Phoenix. 
Join us for as much as you can, and do pass the information along to any and all who might be interested. It's going to be a great week!
Here's the full listing:

MTI Events, Enhancement Week February 27th - March 3rd 2017:
Monday February 27th: 
‘Town and Gown - A Leicester Music Extravaganza!’, 7pm, 2Funky Music Cafe (23A New Park Street)
Tuesday February 28th: 
MOBILISE Hackathon 10 am – 4pm, Clephan 00.17
Wednesday March 1st: 
MOBILISE Conference 10 am – 5pm, PACE
MOBILISE Performance 7pm – 9pm, PACE
Thursday March 2nd:
Petros Galanakis: Composition/Production of Psychedelic Trance Masterclass, 10am-1pm, Queens 1.33
Tim Hall: Electric Guitar Recording Masterclass, 2pm-5pm, Queens 1.29a-c. 
Bob Coburn: Audiovisual Masterclass, 2-5pm, Clephan 00.16
Friday March 3rd:
'Music Industry Info Share', 10:00 - 4:30, The Venue (details below)
Visual Bits Audible Bytes, 6pm, Phoenix
'Music Industry Info Share’, Friday March 3rd 10:00-4:30, The Venue - DETAILS:
10am Morning session signup;
10:30am - 12noon
Room A - Tony Platt - Production & mix clinic.
Room B - Mark Cousins - Sound for picture in advertising.
1:30pm Afternoon session signup;
Room A(B) - Industry insight Q&A
Alumni Guests:
Tom Bacon, Ioana Barbu, Thomas Dodds, Antony James
Industry Guests: 
Tony Platt & Mark Cousins  
Room A & B - Refreshments and networking. Prize draw for work experience/shadowing days.
All attendees will be entered to a prize draw to win: 
Day work placements at:
- Bauer Media Recording Studios located in London.
Exciting opportunity to assist alumna Ioana Barbu producing and engineering sessions for varied station outputs.     
- BBC Music Research and Development in London.
Exciting opportunity to assist alumnus Tom Dodds in developing/testing new online mixing tools and see the workings behind Six Music. 
- Travel expenses will be covered by the University.

Friday, 3 February 2017

MTI presents: Audrey Riley & James Woodrow - Performance/talk: Work In Progress

The De Montfort University Music, Technology & Innovation 2016-17 #LoveInternational concert series presents:

Audrey Riley with James Woodrow: Performance/talk - Work In Progress.
Wednesday February 15th 2017, 4pm
***NOTE! Early start time, & venue - Trinity House Chapel***


A lecture/performance by cellist Audrey Riley and guitarist James Woodrow. Works of experimental music from the New York School: Earle Brown, Morton Feldman and Christian Wolff

Trinity House Chapel, The Newarke, Leicester, LE2 7BY
Start time 4pm
Free entry