Friday, 14 July 2017

Premiere of Leigh Landy's 'Mezihlas -- Přeshlas -- Nahlas', July 28th

The latest work by MTI's Leigh Landy – titled 'Mezihlas -- Přeshlas -- Nahlas' ('Radio--Voice--Overs') – will be premiering on Czech national radio on July 28th as part of the anniversary of Radio Atelier:

The work can be listened to here (scroll down to the bottom of the page):

'Electro-cricket' Workshop! Phoenix, Thursday July 27th

'Electro-cricket' workshop coming up for ages 8+, organised by MTI as part of the Interfaces project, co-funded by the EU's Creative Europe project!
Thursday 27 July, 12pm – 3pm, Drop–in, free

Make complex beats, rhythms, pops, clicks and chirps with the Electro-Cricket, a DIY musical instrument! Work together and build an orchestra of ‘relay-based oscillators’ then use everyday objects to amplify and change the sound of your instrument.

Free, drop in – no booking required. Please be aware that children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. There may be a short wait at busy times.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

The latest addition to the MTI team

Meet our most recent staff member, Mike Blow!

By way of introduction, here's a video from a recent event at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford which featured three of Mike's sound installations:

- 'Aeolus' Cabinet', a collection of sounds of the wind;

- 'The Peace Music Project' making music out of ex-military weapons control panels, and,

- 'Colony' an outdoor installation piece.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

MTI alumnus wins Best Music at India's National Film Awards

MTI alumnus Tanuj Tiku has won Best Music at India's 64th National Film Awards, for his work on the film 'Leeches':

Congratulations Tanuj!