Friday, 22 September 2017

Farewell, MTI Noticeboard

The MTI Noticeboard is now retiring. It has been replaced by a new notices blog and information portal for the whole Music and Audio Technology subject area at De Montfort University. This can be found at

All the past posts from this blog have been copied to the new blog.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

MTI at EMS'17, Nagoya

The 2017 Electroacoustic Music Studies Conference is this week in Nagoya, Japan, on the theme of 'Communication in/through Electroacoustic Music'. With MTI well represented:

- Leigh Landy: "Cultural Identity in Electroacoustic Music: A Beijing Case Study"
- John Richards & Leigh Landy: "On the Music of Sounds and the Music of Things"
- Sven-Amin Lembke: "Triangular sound shapes: spectromorphology and its perceptual implications"

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

MTI postgrads past & current at ISSTA'17

MTI postgrads past and current will be presenting & performing this week at ISSTA'17 in Dundalk:

- Robin Parmar 'Atoms and Digital Audio: Epicurus meets Mika Vainio'
- Neal Spowage 'Now I’m Digital Where Is My Ritual? Investigating Post Digital Performance Objects as Totems for Agency and Ritual'
- Luca Forcucci 'Bodyscapes'
- Robin Parmar: 'Improvisation on Korg Volca (4 Mika Vainio)'

John Young's 'Three Spaces in Mid-Air' wins 2nd prize in Destellos Competition

Congratulations to MTI's John Young, whose work 'Three Spaces in Mid-Air' has received 2nd prize in this year's Destellos Competition!

Leigh Landy & John Richards guest lectures at Japanese Society for Sonic Arts

On Saturday September 1st, MTI's Leigh Landy and John Richards will give guest lectures in Tokyo at the Japanese Society for Sonic Arts:

第33回 JSSA先端芸術音楽創作学会

15:00~15:50 ゲスト講演その1

Prof. Leigh Landy (Director - Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre)
Title: In Pursuit of the Innovative and the Accessible: Some of the driving forces behind my music and my research

 Guest Speech

This talk will present the motivations related to both my work as a musician and as a scholar within the world of sonic creativity. Instead of focusing on technology and technique, it will introduce some of my ideas all of which are intended to move music forward. Issues will include: the (in)accessibility of new music; musical communication, dramaturgy and aesthetics; new musical communities; and even humour. Looking forward, John Richards’ and my new book (nearing completion), ‘On the Music of Sounds and the Music of Things’ will be discussed. In it I investigate sampling culture and John DIY or hacking culture. Together we look at what we believe are the driving forces of the innovative 21st century sonic musician.

16:00~16:50 ゲスト講演その2

Dr. John Richards (Reader in Music, De Montfort University)
Title: The Music of Things

 Guest Speech

The talk will focus on exploring making music through the fundamental exploration of electronic components, solder, wires and electricity itself. This serves as an extension to David Tudor’s idea of composing inside electronics. Musical instrument is no longer considered as a complete self-contained entity, but a collection of inter-connectable things. Making, such as DIY electronic instruments, is viewed not as a separate activity - for example, through workshops - but as a processual part of performance. From this premise, new paradigms for performance and composition of electronic music are born. Many of these ideas are summarized in my co-authored book with Leigh Landy titled ‘On the Music of Sounds and the Music of Things’ that will also be discussed.