Lunchtime Concert Wednesday November
21st, 2012 12.00pm
PACE Building, Studio
1, Richmond St., Leicester
Conservatory of Music and Drama
We welcome composers and instrumentalists
from the Shenyang Conservatory in China. They will introduce us to the work of
the Conservatory and play some electroacoustic music by members of their
community, both staff and graduates of the composition department.
of a Lad by Zhao Ziwen, Wei Fangxia, Zhao Yitong,
Deng Ruochuan, Ren Xiu
on All Sides in Acousmographe by Zhang Ruibo
and Rebirth by Zhang Ruibo (for Guqin and
Guqin soloist: Zhu Mohan
Guqin soloist: Zhu Mohan
(Perserverence, Duration) for live khoomei and
industrial noise with VJ - Creative Design: Xie Bingyuan, Zhang Ruibo; Khoomei:
Wumuti Anniwa (bass), Zhang Ruibo (tenor); Programmer: Zhao Zhongye, Yang
Tianyang; VJ: Zhou Zhengqi
Entry Free! All Welcome!
Forthcoming Wednesday 5th
December, New Zealand’s leading electroacoustic composer John Cousins, talk and