Monday, 10 November 2014

Refresh Your Learning! - Workshops at CLaSS

Monday 17th November – Friday 21st November 2014 in the Kimberlin Library

Centre for Learning and Study Support (CLaSS)

We are delighted to offer a series of workshops of interest to students who want  to refresh their learning. Come along and meet the CLaSS and Library teams who can support you in your work.

17th November: Practice, practice, practice – getting to grips with numerical reasoning questions
17th November: Finding images using databases
17th November: Mind over matter: use your imagination for study success
17th November: New ways of seeing: assignment planning, research and discovery with a visual twist
18th November: Questionnaire design
18th November: Successful writing as an Art and Design student
18th November: Using electronic newspapers as a resource for your assignment
18th November: Word art: expressing your ideas in the creative industries
18th November: Be more productive and manage your stress
19th November: Visual approaches for effective learning
19th November: How to write when you don’t want to write
19th November: Taking a critical approach to your work
20th November: How to thrive as an introvert
20th November: How to make group-work work
20th November: Writing in Science and Technology
20th November: Confident communication
21st November: Taming your calculator
21st November: Using social media to raise your online profile
21st November: Thinking about your dissertation: writing the proposal
21st November: I wish I didn’t do that! Bad study habits and how to change them.

For further information and to book a place, click on link: