OPEN OFFER to any and all broadcast and print media related programmes and their students:
EVENT: Bauer Media London Open House
DATE: Wednesday 5th March 2015
TIME: 3pm-6pm
Fancy getting the inside line on one of the UK's biggest and most diverse media production companies?
From top-flight brand radio and television operations to myriad household-name magazine publications, Bauer Media is offering an exclusive opportunity to DMU students, spending an afternoon meeting programming, presentation, production, social media and sales and marketing teams at their new base at 1 Golden Square, Soho, London.
To take advantage of this exclusive offer, please send an email, including your particular areas of interest, to Nicky Tranter. Please CC your email to Simon Walsh.
Delegates are expected to make their own travel arrangements.
Students will find it useful to join the Creative Media Lab Facebook Group, to keep across the range of events and happenings in this exciting and dynamic area.