Friday, 13 November 2015

EVENT SERIES: Maya Verlaak, Manolis Manousakis and Neal Spowage

18 Nov, 7pm, De Montfort University, Leicester
PACE Studio 1,  Richmond Street, Leicester, LE2 7BQ
Entry Free

Maya Verlaak will perform two works for small group that explore the characteristics and limitations of musical instruments as a departure point for generating compositional material and structures. Because of this working method, her pieces are bound to particular performers and instruments. This necessitates rewriting the piece when it is taken up by different performers, forcing her to re-evaluate the connection between her musical concepts and their means of execution.

Neal Spowage presents some short video art pieces including New Track of Unknown Terra I & II: an audio visual filmed performance demonstrating the Beast sculptural instrument in an industrial landscape.

Manolis Manousakis will present video/dance work Soma with Sania Stribakou (dance) and Panagiotis Goubouros (video) and also short fixed media compositions from Soundscapes Landscapes: Birds, Banana Church, and Sygrou Av.

Note: There will also be seminar presentations by Maya Verlaak, Manolis Manousakis and Neal Spowage from 1.00 in the MTIRL, Clephan Building, DMU (all welcome).