Thursday, 22 December 2016

Space and Place in Electroacoustic Music

The book 'Memory, Space, Sound' has now been published by Intellect Books, including the chapter "Space and Place in Electroacoustic Music" by MTI's James Andean:,id=5241/

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Tuesday/Wednesday December 6th/7th: MTI presents Yan Jun!

Beijing-based artist, performer and writer Yan Jun visits Leicester next week, for two exciting performances - Tuesday December 6th @ Phoenix, and Wednesday December 7th @ MTI!! Utterly unique - not to be missed!!


Tuesday December 6th 2016, 8:30pm, Phoenix, 4 Midland Street, Leicester

Legendary Chinese musician and poet Yan Jun is joined by special guests in an evening of provocations, noise, text and collective contortions


“The Laundrette by the Sea … noise occurs when people throw themselves into the sea of machines … noise actually wants to fail … striking out taxonomy and museums and bank deposits …”

Chinese legendary musician and poet Yan Jun is joined by special guests in an evening of provocations, noise, text and collective contortions.

Guests to include Dirty Electronics, John Richards, Neal Spowage, Dushume, Jim Frize, Steve Jones, Max Wainwright, Leigh Landy, et al.

In partnership with Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre, DMU, Leicester


Wednesday December 7th 2016, 7:00pm, PACE

The De Montfort University Music, Technology & Innovation 2016-17 #LoveInternational concert series presents:


Wednesday December 7th 2016, 7pm, PACE

Beijing-based artist, performer and writer Yan Jun visits MTI! A uniquely thrilling and unpredictable performer, bringing together improvisation, electronics, feedback, site-specific performance/installation, and the body. Not to be missed!

PACE building, Richmond Street, Leicester UK, LE2 7BQ

Start time 7pm

Free entry

Thursday, 24 November 2016

MTI presents: Postgraduate Concert

The De Montfort University Music, Technology & Innovation 2016-17 #LoveInternational concert series presents:

Wednesday November 30th 2016, 7pm, PACE

An evening of performances by MTI postgraduates.

Works and performances by Emma Margetson, Luigi Marino, Robin Parmar, Sam Topley, & Virginie Viel

PACE building, Richmond Street, Leicester UK, LE2 7BQ

Start time 7pm

Free entry

Monday, 21 November 2016

Wednesday Nov. 23: MTI presents - UNDERGRADUATE CONCERT

The next MTI concert is THIS WEDNESDAY - featuring performances by students of 'Sound in Space', 'Performing With Technology', 'Composing With Technology', and 'Creating With Technology'! Sound diffusion, improvisation, feedback, and lots more...

Wednesday November 23rd
PACE building, Richmond Street, Leicester UK, LE2 7BQ
Start time 7pm
Free entry

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Concert: Barrier Project workshop students

Friday November 11th there will be a concert by students of the Barrier Project workshop, hosted by MTI guests Ann Rosén & Sten-Olof Hellström.

Knitted sensors and textile controllers that bend, stretch and twist the acoustic room as they conjure up strange new sound worlds - should be fascinating!

Performers include Evaldas Jonaitis, Ben Middle, Amit Patel, Emma Sykes, Sam Topley, & David Tucker.

Friday November 11th, 7pm, PACE studio 1, free entry

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

TONIGHT! MTI student night @ Music Cafe

Tonight, Tuesday November 8th, will be the 2nd MTI student night at the Music Cafe!

It's a great line-up - organised by students, performed by students, for students:

Start time 7pm; 23A New Park Street, Leicester UK

Monday, 31 October 2016

John Richards and Leigh Landy give joint keynotes in the Czech Republic

In October, MTI staff members, John Richards and Leigh Landy had exciting experiences in Central Europe. Landy gave a master class at HAMU, the Prague Academy of Performing Arts and then joined Richards in the Czech Republic’s second city, Brno where Richards was giving a dirty electronics workshop at Praha, Forum for Architecture and Media before they both presented keynotes at the International Musicological Conference at Masaryk University. Richards continued by giving lectures and workshops in Graz, Austria at the FH Joanneum, Department Media & Design; and at the Kunstuniversität Graz, Institut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik (IEM). During the visit it was agreed that DMU would commence Erasmus+ exchange agreements with both and organise Memoranda of Understanding to collaborate in the areas of research, cultural, staff and student exchange. After their return, Landy was offered a commission by the Czech National Radio for a new radiophonic work based on samples taken from Czech radio programmes to be broadcast in 2017. Richards and the Dirty Electronic Ensemble will return to HAMU in autumn next year.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Concert - MTI presents: Ann Rosén & Sten-Olof Hellström (SW)

The De Montfort University Music, Technology & Innovation 2016-17 #LoveInternational concert series presents:

Ann Rosén & Sten-Olof Hellström

Wednesday November 9th, 2016

A performance by the Swedish duo of two sound-artists and composers, Ann Rosén and Sten-Olof Hellström. A concert with knitted sensors and textile controllers that bend, stretch and twist the acoustic room as they conjure up strange new sound worlds!

PACE building, Richmond Street, Leicester UK, LE2 7BQ
Start time 7pm
Free entry

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Concert: MTI presents Denis Smalley, Wed. October 26th!

This coming Wednesday, October 26th, MTI is very pleased to present a concert by renowned electroacoustic composer Denis Smalley, presenting some of his most recent works!! Very exciting - not to be missed!

7pm, DMU PACE building. Free entry.

Concerts Autumn 2016

We are very pleased to announce our concert programme for autumn 2016, including concerts by special guests Denis Smalley and Yan Jun! All are welcome, don't miss out!

Music, Technology and Innovation
CONCERTS - Autumn 2016

All concerts 7pm, DMU PACE Building, except where otherwise noted

Wednesday October 12th: Opening Concert
The opening concert of the MTI 2016-17 'Love International' concert series! Featuring recent MTI student highlights, including works & performances by Marinos Æ Giannoukakis, Neal Spowage, Sam Topley, & Virginie Viel.

Wednesday October 26th: Denis Smalley
MTI is VERY proud to offer a very special treat: a concert by one of the most renowned electroacoustic composers in the world, Denis Smalley, in honour of his 70th birthday! A rare and special treat indeed - not to be missed.

Tuesday November 8th: MTI @ Music Cafe
- Music Cafe, New Park St.
MTI students take over the Music Cafe, for an open stage event of wild performances. Student-led, student-run, performed by students, performed for students: DJ's, bands, and everything in between!

Wednesday November 9th: Ann Rosén & Sten-Olof Hellström
HR is a Swedish duo consisting of the two sound-artists and composers Ann Rosén and Sten-Olof Hellström that mainly perform composed electroacoustic music. A concert with knitted sensors and textile controllers that bend, stretch and twist the acoustic room as they conjure up strange new sound worlds!

Wednesday November 23rd: Undergraduate Concert
Sound diffusion, improvisation, feedback, and more! Performances by students from MTI courses 'Sound in Space', 'Performing With Technology', and 'Creating With Technology'.

Wednesday November 30th: Postgraduate Concert
Come hear some of the groundbreaking artistic work being produced by MTI postgrads! A whirlwind tour of cutting edge art and research in sound.

Tuesday December 6th: Yan Jun Provocation
- Open Seminar, Phoenix, 20:30
A seminar-cum-provocation by Beijing-based artist, performer and writer Yan Jun, in advance of his very special performance at MTI the following day.

Wednesday December 7th: Yan Jun

Beijing-based artist, performer and writer Yan Jun visits MTI! A uniquely thrilling and unpredictable performer, bringing together improvisation, electronics, feedback, site-specific performance/installation, and the body. Not to be missed.

Friday, 15 July 2016

'One Knob To Rule Them All' wins Best Paper at NIME 2016!

The 'One Knob to Rule Them All' project collaboration between MTI & the University of Newcastle Culture Lab won Best Paper New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2016 - !! Congratulations to John Richards, John Bowers, Amit Patel, Sam Topley, Steve Jones, Jim Frize, Neal Spowage, Tim Shaw, and everyone else involved!

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Contemporary Music Review - incl. John Richards & Simon Emmerson

Out now: the latest issue of Contemporary Music Review, on the theme of "Gender, Creativity and Education in Digital Musics and Sound Art" - including two articles from MTI:

John Richards: Shifting Gender in Electronic Music: DIY and Maker Communities

Simon Emmerson: EMAS and Sonic Arts Network (1979–2004): Gender, Governance, Policies, Practice

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

MTI at the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival

This year's New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival will include a concert of acousmatic music from MTI!

Curated by MTI professor John Young, the concert, titled 'Spectral Journeys...', will include music by Simon Emmerson, John Young, Virginie Viel, Louise Rossiter, and James Andean.

June 16, 2016 12:30 pm
Experimental Theater – Abrons Arts Center, New York City (New York, USA)

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Bret Battey's 'Luna Series' in Tallinn

Bret Battey's 'Luna Series' will be in concert this week at the Estonian Music & Theatre Academy in Tallinn, paired with Domenico de Cesare's 'Sinfonia Tubolare':

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Research Seminar - Wednesday 8th June – 2.00-3.30pm – MTI Research Lab (Clephan)

Cross adaptive processing as musical intervention -
Exploring radically new modes of musical interaction in live performance
Øyvind Brandtsegg, Trond Engum (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway)

The project explores cross-adaptive processing as a drastic intervention in the modes of communication between performing musicians. Digital audio analysis and processing techniques are used to enable features of one sound to inform the processing of another. This allows the actions of one performer to directly influence another performer’s sound, and doing so only by means of the acoustic signal produced by normal musical expression on the instrument. To enable the cross adaptive processing methods, a number of software tools for this kind of musical performance will be developed. Sessions documentation, reflections, software and other material will be available as posts to the project blog.

The project is run by the Norwegian University of Technology and Science, Music Technology, Trondheim. We are proud to collaborate with our strong partners at De Montfort University, Maynooth University, Queen Mary University of London and University of California San Diego. Our project is strongly based in practical experimentation with said techniques, and for this we rely on collaboration with a range of finely selected performers. Project leader is professor Øyvind Brandtsegg. [SE - 24.05]

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Leigh Landy at the 10th Audiovisual Arts Festival

MTIRC leader Leigh Landy is performing in concert tonight, May 18th 2016, at the 10th Audiovisual Arts Festival in Corfu, Greece:

Sunday, 8 May 2016

MTI post-grad concert: Jones & Rodgers, Waite, van Gorkom

The De Montfort University Music, Technology & Innovation 2015-16 concert series presents:

MTI Post-Graduate Concert: Jones & Rodgers, Waite, van Gorkom
Wednesday May 11th 2016, 7pm, PACE

MTI's final post-grad concert of the year!
With works and performances by:
Steve Jones & Sally Rodgers
Marij van Gorkom
Si Waite

***Note: There will be an MTI end-of-year outing after the concert; stay tuned for more info...***

PACE building, Richmond Street, Leicester UK, LE2 7BQ
Start time 7pm
Free entry

Friday, 6 May 2016

MTI Student Artworks

Music, Technology & Innovation @ De Montfort University Leicester (DMU) presents:


There are several events over the next few weeks from second, third and postgraduate students to share their work from the year. Please do come along to support them. There are some really great things going on!

Friday 6 May
The Back of Beyond, Steve Green, a 32 channel installation.
** PACE Studio 2, 1-4pm **

Monday 9 May
The Water Garden, Sam Jones, an installation in Trinity gardens: Sam superimposes an artificial sonic ecosystem over the real one
** The Herb Garden, Trinity House, 1.00-4.00pm **

Terry’s Arcade, Paul Keene, an interactive 30-channel installation where audience members control Terry Riley’s In C
** PACE Studio 1, 1.00-4.00pm **

In Unison, James Eade, a calming installation for the mid-assessment period, responding to tweets offering encouragement to exam students.
** Hugh Aston foyer, 11.00am-4.00pm **

Black/Blank/Loaded, Altea Alessandrini, Dimitri Ellinas, Giorgos Mizithras, Georgios Stavridis-Kotsikonas,
an installation exploring projected light
** PACE Studio 2, 1.00-4.00pm **

Tuesday 10 May
Presentation of Performing with Technology Projects (more details to follow)

Wednesday 11 May
Postgraduate Symposium, A series of presentations by current postgraduates about their work
** MTIRC (CL0.17), 1.00-c.4.00pm **

Postgraduate Concert, Works by postgraduate composers
** PACE Studio 1, 7.00pm **

Thursday 12 May
Concert: Sound in Space Performances,
Sunk, Altea Alessandrini
The Guest Speaker Feedback Choir, Matt Rogerson
Feedback for Eight Channels, Gary Cox
** PACE 1, 2.00-4.00pm **

Friday 13 May
Sound, Space & Movement, Bethany Edwards, a dance and diffusion performance
** PACE Studio 1, 1.00pm**

Healing Sounds of the Seven Chakras, Calum Vaughan, a light and sound installation exploring the seven chakras of Buddhism
** PACE Studio 2, 1.00-4.00pm **

Monday 16 May
Playground Triptych, Ryan Tsang, a triple installation to explore playfully.
** PACE Studio 2, 1.00-4.00pm **

Tuesday 17 May
Concert of Final Performance Projects
PACE Studio 1 12.00-13:30: 
Jonny Royall
Jake Acton
Joe Willis  

15:00 Ryan Tsang (sound/perf walk - on campus)

Campus Centre, the Venue - DSU:
16:00: Humzah Loane - live Hip-Hop with the use of only vocals and instruments.
The Venue (Centre Campus Building)

Thursday 19 May
Presentation of Performing with Technology Projects
14:00, PACE Studio 1

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Events during Assessment Weeks

There are several events over the next few weeks from second, third and postgraduate students to share their work from the year. Please do come along to support them. There are some really great things going on!

Friday 6 May

The Back of Beyond, Steve Green, 32 channel installation. 
** PACE Studio 2, 1-4pm **

Monday 9 May

The Water Garden, Sam Jones, an installation in Trinity gardens: Sam superimposes an artificial sonic ecosystem over the real one
** The Herb Garden, Trinity House, 1.00-4.00pm **

Terry’s Arcade, Paul Keenean interactive 30-channel installation where audience members control Terry Riley’s In C
** PACE Studio 1, 1.00-4.00pm **
In Unison, James Eade, a calming installation for the mid-assessment period, responding to tweets offering encouragement to exam students.
** Hugh Aston foyer, 11.00am-4.00pm **
Black/Blank/Loaded, Altea Alessandrini, Dimitri Ellinas, Giorgos Mizithras, Georgios Stavridis-Kotsikonas,
an installation exploring projected light
** PACE Studio 2, 1.00-4.00pm **

Tuesday 10 May

Presentation of Performing with Technology Projects (more details to follow)

Wednesday 11 May

Postgraduate Symposium, A series of presentations by current postgraduates about their work
** MTIRC (CL0.17), 1.00-c.4.00pm **

Postgraduate Concert, Works by postgraduate composers
** PACE Studio 1, 7.00pm **

Thursday 12 May

Concert: Sound in Space Performances, 
     Sunk, Altea Alessandrini
     The Guest Speaker Feedback Choir, Matt Rogerson
     Feedback for Eight Channels, Gary Cox
** PACE 1, 2.00-4.00pm **

Friday 13 May

Sound, Space & Movement, Bethany Edwards, a dance and diffusion performance
** PACE Studio 1, 1.00pm**

Healing Sounds of the Seven Chakras, Calum Vaughan, a light and sound installation exploring the seven chakras of Buddhism
** PACE Studio 2, 1.00-4.00pm **

Monday 16 May

Playground Triptych, Ryan Tsang, a triple installation to explore playfully. 
** PACE Studio 2, 1.00-4.00pm **

Tuesday 17 May

Concert of Final Performance Projects (more details to follow)

Thursday 19 May

Presentation of Performing with Technology Projects (more details to follow)

Friday, 29 April 2016

MTI presents: Sound Nursery
Wednesday May 4th 2016, 4pm
PACE building

The De Montfort University Music, Technology & Innovation 2015-16 concert series presents:

Sound Nursery - MTI undergraduate concert

***Note the early start time: 4pm!***

MTI is very proud to present some of the excellent work of our current undergraduates, including acousmatic works, audiovisuals, and installations.

Works by Georgios Mizithras, Altea Alessandrini, Georgios Stavridis-Kotsikonas, Dimitrios Aatos Ellinas, and more...

PACE building, Richmond Street, Leicester UK, LE2 7BQ
Start time 4pm

Free entry

Monday, 18 April 2016

The De Montfort University Music, Technology & Innovation 2015-16 concert series presents:


Carla Rees, flute and Michael Oliva, electronics
curated by Katharine Norman and rarescale

A real treat: a performance by rarescale/Carla Rees - one of the most exciting contemporary performers out there - in a programme of works for flute, electronics, tape, and video, curated with the great Katharine Norman - including a world premiere from Norman herself!

Sungji Hong: SHINE (2015)
Katharine Norman: A walk I do (2016) *World premiere*
Georgia Rodgers: Three tuba studies (2014)
Simon Emmerson: Spirit of ‘76 (1976)
Michael Oliva: Apparition and Release (2005)

PACE building, Richmond Street, Leicester UK, LE2 7BQ
Start time 7pm
Free entry

Friday, 18 March 2016

MTI presents: Spaces and Singularities - curated by Kevin Dahan

Wednesday, April 13, 7 PM
PACE building, Richmond Street, Leicester UK, LE2 7BQ
Free entry

Welcome to an evening of electroacoustic music, curated by MTI's Kevin Dahan. 
Including the world premiere of new work from Dahan, as well as works by two of the grand masters of electroacoustic music: Horacio Vaggione's 'Mécanique des fluides' (2014) and John Chowning's 'Stria' (1977).

Sunday, 13 March 2016

MTI presents: Cage, Feldman, Wolff

The De Montfort University Music, Technology & Innovation 2015-16 concert series presents:

Cage, Feldman, Wolff: Audrey Riley, cello & James Woodrow, electric guitar

Wednesday, March 16th, 2016, 6pm
Trinity House Chapel, DMU, The Newarke, Leicester, LE2 7BY

Come hear some extraordinary works from the New York School, all too rarely heard in Leicester:

John Cage: Sonata for Two Voices (1933)
Morton Feldman: Two Instruments (1962)
Christian Wolff: Two Players (1996)
John Cage: One 8 for cello solo (1991)

Start time 6pm. Free entry. 

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Student Musician Opportunity via DMU Square Mile

Message via DMU Square Mile 

Are you a Musician interested in working with young people and communities through DMU Square Mile projects?

We have a very unique opportunity for student musicians to work and learn alongside The Guildhall School of Music and Drama staff who are global leaders in the development of creative and professional Music practice and this is a unique opportunity to work with and learn from some of the finest musicians working in this field, whilst at the same time developing your skills and experience to create and deliver participatory Music programmes that can create real impact and make a difference to the lives of our neighbouring communities.

The May project will take place on 5th and 6th May in the PACE Building from 9.30am – 3.30pm (lunch, tea and coffee provided) concluding with a public performance on campus at the end of the second day.

Please do book onto this event here:

If you have any specific questions pleas contact Chris Heighton - Head of Music Development on –

Best Wishes,

Jessica Bogic
DMU Square Mile

Monday, 29 February 2016

MTI Presents: DMUsic! Live @ The Music Cafe

As part of Enhancement Week (Week 22)

March 3rd 2016, 6pm - 11pm

Come and join the Music Technology and Innovation/Performance team for a night full of free entertainment! MTI students told us that they wanted more opportunities to showcase their work, and we listened! On the 3rd of March, students will be taking over The Music Cafe in Leicester, complete with DJs, bands, singers, and much more.

Expect the unexpected.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

MTI Enhancement Week: Towers Arcade - Student Workshop Concert, Tuesday March 1st

As part of MTI's Enhancement Week activities, MTI students, together with Music Technology students from Leicester College, will participate in a workshop by Mark Towers on the Arcade Series for Max4Live. 
'Towers Arcade' will be a post-workshop concert, with the tools of the workshop as a starting point, but developing out from there into a broader framework for performance, improvisation, and collaboration.

Performers include: Altea Alessandrinii, Dimitrios Aatos Ellinas, Susanne Grunewald, Mateusz Kowalewski, Georgios Mizithras, Ojas Pancholy, Georgios Stavridis-Kotsikonas

PACE building, Richmond Street, Leicester UK, LE2 7BQ
Start time 6pm
Free entry

Monday, 22 February 2016

MTI Enhancement Week (March 1-3 2016)

For this year's Enhancement Week (week 22), fMTI has put together special student events for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

***We hope to see as many students as possible at all three of these events!***

Tuesday March 1st, 2pm, PACE Studio 1: Workshop by Mark Towers, who will be demonstrating some of his performance sequencers from the Arcade Series for Max4Live (Ableton and Max/MSP). In this workshop students will be introduced to the processes involved in creating the devices, and will experiment performing with various control surface integration.” The workshop will be followed by an informal performance.

NOTE: Please let us know about your intention to attend the workshop by emailing james.andean[at]

Wednesday March 2nd, 7pm PACE Studio 1: MTI conert series - 
'From the Ridiculous to the Sublime'
Works by Leigh Leigh, Simon Emmerson, and James Andean:

Thursday March 3rd, start time approx 6pm: Student-led event at the Music Cafe
(New Park Street, off Braunstone Gate)

This will be an informal, student-run event, presenting student performances and all sorts of fun stuff.

NOTE: If anyone would still like to sign up to perform at this, please check out the Facebook working group: - or contact james.andean[at]

Of course, enhancement week also coincides with the University’s Cultural Exchanges Festival, at which there are several arts-related talks which you should investigate. Most require booking, so please check the schedule for relevant information:

You should also check out the CLASS activities for any study skills training you feel would be useful: Third years in particular might find the 1st March 9-1 ‘Get your Dissertation or Extended Report Sorted!’ opportunity helpful.

Any questions, contact james.andean[at]

MTI Concert Series 2015-16: From The Ridiculous to the Sublime

Wednesday March 2nd 2016, 7pm

From the Ridiculous to the Sublime: Music by Landy, Emmerson, Andean

PACE building
Free entry

'From the Ridiculous to the Sublime' will present works by two of MTI's most esteemed members, and by the most recent addition to the MTI team, including primarily premiere and UK premiere performances.

Leigh Landy: Quadlibet (premiere)
James Andean: Déchirure (UK premiere)
Simon Emmerson: Memory Machine (concert premiere)
James Andean: Hyvät matkustajat
Simon Emmerson: Aeolian (UK premiere)

Performers: Danni Spooner, Joey Mottershead, Kat Pattison, Leigh Landy, Simon Emmerson, James Andean

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

NEXT WEEK: Visual Bits, Audible Bytes (VBAB) 2016! FREE **Booking Required**

Wednesday 17th February 2016, 6:30PM

The seventh annual Visible Bits, Audible Bytes brings stunning, genre-breaking works of audiovisual art to Phoenix.

Stimulate the eye and the ear with contemporary fusions of new and old technologies: from computer-animated tessellation patterns driven by music, hacked analogue video circuits pulsing to stuttering electronica beats, hand-painted films complementing intimate digital soundscapes, and abstract particle-systems forming ambient vision-sound worlds.

The screening presents new digital aesthetics from around the globe, including China, Canada, Holland, Israel and the USA, including works by:

Asher Arnon
Mark Pilkington
Eli Stine
Emptyset + Clayton Welham and Sam Williams
Raven Kwok + Karmafields
Johan Rijpma
Inés Wickmann + Francis Dhomont
Jean Piché
Louise Harris
Presented by the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre at De Montfort University.
Image Credit: Raven Kwok, from ‘Skyline’

This is a free event but booking is required.

Useful links!

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Finland Past and Future: Jukka Hautamäki, Electromagnetic Workshop Students, & Electroacoustic Music from Finland

A mix of strange bedfellows, representing some complementary and contradictory trends in Finnish electroacoustic music. Including a performance by Jukka Hautamäki, Finland's leading proponent of hands-on, circuit-based live electronics; MTI students of the Electromagnetic Scanner Workshop, led by Hautamäki; and some recent highlights of the Finnish acousmatic scene, presented by James Andean.

Wednesday 3rd February 2016
PACE building, Richmond Street, Leicester UK, LE2 7BQ
Start time 7pm
Free entry

Media artist Jukka Hautamäki (b. 1971 in Oulu), lives and works in London, UK. Hautamäki works with found materials, electronics, sound, light and video. Hautamäki's sound performances are microscopic studies into electronic sound. He has performed widely in Europe and North America, and he has held interactive sound art and electronics workshops in Finland (HelSE, MUU, Aalto University, Mansedanse), Germany, Poland and Estonia. 

More information:

Student performers:
Altea Alessandrini
Robert Chafer
Ellinas Dimitrios-Aatos
Giorgos Mizithras
Georgios Stavridis-Kotsikonas
Sam Topley
Ryan Tsang
Mungo Zhangruibo

See you there!

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

TONIGHT (26/1): FREE LEICESTER SOUNDWALK – The Demolition Project

UPDATE: Room number incorrect. CL0.19, not CL00.19

The Demolition Project is an interdisciplinary collaboration between Alisa Oleva and Debbie Kent that makes work reimagining cities through walking, map-making and participation. Becoming increasingly interested in using sound, The Demolition Project will take participants around Leicester on a soundwalk, later providing the opportunity to demolish it artistically.

They will also deliver a talk about their work on Wednesday 27/1 in CL00.19.


Please feel free to utilise this opportunity to record sounds for your own for use in any future/upcoming projects!

Tuesday 26 Jan 2016
Commencing from Campus Centre, De Montfort University
6PM - Pub

Talk & Work/shop
Wednesday 27 Jan 2016
00.19 Clephan Building,
De Montfort University
12 - 2:30PM

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

EVENT SERIES: META-4 - Sound Chimeras, 20/1

Welcome to the first Music, Technology and Innovation concert of 2016!

Live electronics, improvisation, feedback, audiovisuals, and more. With works and performances by some of De Montfort University Leicester (DMU)'s many talented MTI undergraduates, including:

1 - Harry Smith: 'Salvaged Space'

2 - Tim Baker - Microphone Feedback Extension

3 - Silo - Free Improvisation
Depository of musical events yet to be realized

George Stavridis - Percussion, Electronics 
Brendan Smith - Electric Guitar
George Mizithras - No-input mixer, Laptop
Julie Reboul - Piano 

4 - Calum Vaughan: Modulations and Mechanisms

Wednesday 20 January 2016
PACE Building, Richmond Street, Leicester.
Doors 7PM

Free entry!

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Creative Media Lab - James Walshe

Hello folks,

Please find here details of the next Creative Media Lab guest lecturer - James Walshe, Deputy Editor for Practical Classics magazine, part of the Bauer Media stable out of Peterborough. 

EVENT: Creative Media Lab
DATE: Monday 18 January 2016
TIME: 6pm-7pm LOCATION: GH3.13
GUEST: James Walshe, Deputy Editor, ‘Practical Classics’ magazine

James has variously worked as a news reporter for both TV and radio; as a programme producer for commercial, independent production and BBC radio; management in commercial radio and print; and generally gets to spend his entire life doing things he loves - radio, music and cars. I'm sure he would be of interest to many of our LMS cohorts!

Combining his biggest loves in life – radio, music and fixing cars – James Walshe is a motoring journalist and radio producer. James’ career has taken him from the TV newsroom to the studios of commercial radio and BBC Radio 2 and now, to the workshops of Britain’s biggest selling classic car magazine.

He has previously seen how radio management teams operate from the inside in the post of Programme Director for a number of high profile UK commercial radio stations and has most recently left full time radio to focus on writing for motoring publications, taking up the role of

Deputy Editor at UK based Bauer magazine Practical Classics in 2015.
With occasional freelance work in radio still tempting James back from time to time, he spends most of his days restoring and driving his small collection of rubbish old vehicles. ‘I’m as happy writing about old cars as I am playing zoo keeper to a bunch of creative and fiery radio presenters.

It’s like being paid to do your hobbies’, says James. ‘The fact I often get to do both is absolutely fine by me, oddly enough.’

Curriculum Vitae Stroud College Radio (Presenter - First restricted service license college radio in UK) Hallam FM Sheffield (Newsreader/Journalist) Anglia TV Bristol (Reporter/Presenter) Evo Magazine (Staff Writer/Road Tester) Metro Radio Newcastle (Newsreader/Journalist) Juice Brighton (News Editor & Early Breakfast Presenter) Galaxy Yorkshire (Breakfast Producer) Galaxy Manchester (Deputy PD) BBC Radio Manchester (Breakfast Producer & Occasional Presenter) Kerrang! Radio & Q Radio (Programme Director) Key 103 Manchester (Acting Programme Director) Wise Buddah (Producer, for BBC Radio 2) BBC Radio 2 (Producer) Practical Classics (Deputy Editor)