Thursday, 5 May 2016

Events during Assessment Weeks

There are several events over the next few weeks from second, third and postgraduate students to share their work from the year. Please do come along to support them. There are some really great things going on!

Friday 6 May

The Back of Beyond, Steve Green, 32 channel installation. 
** PACE Studio 2, 1-4pm **

Monday 9 May

The Water Garden, Sam Jones, an installation in Trinity gardens: Sam superimposes an artificial sonic ecosystem over the real one
** The Herb Garden, Trinity House, 1.00-4.00pm **

Terry’s Arcade, Paul Keenean interactive 30-channel installation where audience members control Terry Riley’s In C
** PACE Studio 1, 1.00-4.00pm **
In Unison, James Eade, a calming installation for the mid-assessment period, responding to tweets offering encouragement to exam students.
** Hugh Aston foyer, 11.00am-4.00pm **
Black/Blank/Loaded, Altea Alessandrini, Dimitri Ellinas, Giorgos Mizithras, Georgios Stavridis-Kotsikonas,
an installation exploring projected light
** PACE Studio 2, 1.00-4.00pm **

Tuesday 10 May

Presentation of Performing with Technology Projects (more details to follow)

Wednesday 11 May

Postgraduate Symposium, A series of presentations by current postgraduates about their work
** MTIRC (CL0.17), 1.00-c.4.00pm **

Postgraduate Concert, Works by postgraduate composers
** PACE Studio 1, 7.00pm **

Thursday 12 May

Concert: Sound in Space Performances, 
     Sunk, Altea Alessandrini
     The Guest Speaker Feedback Choir, Matt Rogerson
     Feedback for Eight Channels, Gary Cox
** PACE 1, 2.00-4.00pm **

Friday 13 May

Sound, Space & Movement, Bethany Edwards, a dance and diffusion performance
** PACE Studio 1, 1.00pm**

Healing Sounds of the Seven Chakras, Calum Vaughan, a light and sound installation exploring the seven chakras of Buddhism
** PACE Studio 2, 1.00-4.00pm **

Monday 16 May

Playground Triptych, Ryan Tsang, a triple installation to explore playfully. 
** PACE Studio 2, 1.00-4.00pm **

Tuesday 17 May

Concert of Final Performance Projects (more details to follow)

Thursday 19 May

Presentation of Performing with Technology Projects (more details to follow)