Monday, 15 May 2017

Final student projects & installations

There are several events during the coming week when third years will be sharing their work from the year.  Please do come along to support them.

Monday 15 May
Untitled, James Hall, multichannel installation
** PACE Studio 1, 1.00-3.30pm **
Crack, Paul Keene, an installation involving cracking ice that reflects on melting ice caps.
** PACE Studio 2, 1.00-3.30pm **

Tuesday 16 May
Clouds, Gary Cox, an interactive multichannel installation exploring sound objects.
** PACE Studio 1, 1.00-3.30pm **

Wednesday 17 May
To Build a Wall, Nat Barlow, an installation exploring establishment and antiestablishment, culture and counterculture.
** PACE Studio 2, 1.00-3.30pm **

Thursday 18 May
Concert of Year 3 Final Performance Projects
** PACE Studio 1, 2.00-4.30pm **

Friday 19 May
Untitled, Lloyd Crowley, Loops/echoes with mobile devices
** PACE Studio 1, 12.00-1.45pm **
Forest Soundscape, Rohil Talukdar, a multichannel soundscape involving forest sounds.
** PACE Studio 1, 2.00-4.00pm **
Untitled, Bryn Hendry, an interactive installation involving tracking
** PACE Studio 2, 1.00-3.30pm **