Friday, 16 June 2017

MTI concert in Brussels!

Next week MTI's John Young will be presenting a programme of works from (and around) the MTI, at Musiques & Recherches in Brussels.

Works by John Young, Louise Rossiter, Virginie Viel, Panos Amelides, James Andean, & Dugal McKinnon.

Looking Back – Looking Forward:  Acousmatic Music from (and around) the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre at De Montfort University Leicester, UK

Wednesday June 21st 2017, 20:00
Project(ion) Room, Rue de Praetere, 55, B - 1180 Bruxelles

Louise Rossiter : Rift (2015) stereo, 7:25
Dugal McKinnon : Strane e Sconosciute Vie (2007) stereo 3:55
Panos Amelides : The Pain(t) stereo 6:10
James Andean : Déchirure (2013) Stereo, 7:35
Virginie Viel : Uni-vers(e) (2016) stereo, 10:12
Louise Rossiter : Tout Autour de la Montagne (2015) 9:21

John Young : Brink  (2015) 10.1 channel 13:28
John Young : Sju (1999) stereo 07:22
John Young: An Angel at Mons (2014) 16 channel, 11:56
John Young: Three Spaces in Mid-Air (2017) Stereo 10:57