Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Start that first assignment!

Monday 27h October – Friday 31st  October 2014 in the Kimberlin Library

Centre for Learning and Study Support (CLaSS)

CLaSS is delighted to offer a series of workshops of interest to students who want to maximise their study success this year. Come along and meet the CLaSS and Library teams who can support you in your work.

27th October: Reading for a purpose
27th October: Finding information for your assignment
27th October: Applying theory to your own practice
28th October: Polishing your assignment
28th October: How to cite and reference using the Harvard referencing system
28th October: Planning and writing your report
29th October: Writing introductions and conclusions
29th October: Starting to write a blog
29th October: Finding journals
29th October: Planning and writing your first essay
29th October: How to critique an article
30th October: Planning and structuring your literature review
30th October: Writing in an academic style
31st October: Writing your methodology
31st October: Working with feedback to improve your grades
31st October: An introduction to verbal presentations

For further information and to book a place, click on link: